The Rserving UST Class-C Operator Training is not currently approved for Mississippi.

You will need to contact the state to obtain UST operator training for Mississippi. The contact information for the UST operator training program in Mississippi is listed below:

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Office of Pollution Control
Groundwater Assessment & Remediation
Underground Storage Tank Branch 
515 E. Amite Street
Jackson, MS 39201

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2261
Jackson, MS 39225-2261

Phone: 601-961-5282
Fax: 601-961-5093

Fund Program

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Groundwater Protection Trust Fund 
P.O. Box 10385
Jackson, MS 39289-0385

Phone: 601-961-5282
Fax: 601-961-5093